Charity Number: 1044194
“The Friends Trust” charity was established in February 1995 in order to ensure that the fabric of the church building is maintained. Over the last 30 years it has raised significant amounts of money which have been used for many valuable repairs and restoration projects.
However, in recent years the trust has had problems attracting new Trustees and is sadly now without a Treasurer, as well as lacking general management and administration skills.
The Church PCC has recently discussed this matter to find the best way forward. The PCC proposes that the trust be dissolved and its funds moved into a new PCC bank account - which will be restricted so that it can only be used for the same purposes as The Friends Trust. This will enable the PCC and its Treasurer to manage the funds and their application.
The PCC has nominated James Kirby, as well as Revd. Carol Edleston (ex officio), to join Tessa Williams and Janet Howard on the Executive Committee of the Friends Trust. James has kindly agreed to act as the main contact for the charity until the proposed dissolution.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) & Friends Trust Dissolution Proposal
On 6th April at 12 noon, the Church is holding its annual meeting.
One Agenda Item will be to discuss the dissolution of The Friends Trust. This item will constitute a formal Meeting of The Friends Trust, as required under Paragraph T of The Friends Trust constitution and is open to all members of The Trust charity.
Friends Trust Dissolution Proposal
The Executive Committee proposes to dissolve the charity and transfer its assets to a Fowey Church PCC restricted account which may only be used for the Objectives of the Friends Trust. The Charity Commissioners will be informed accordingly.
The dissolution proposal requires a 2/3 majority of those Friends Trust members present and voting.
Current and future donors will be able to continue to donate to the restricted account. Details of how to donate will be communicated in due course.
A vote of thanks will be made to all of the past, present and future donors and fundraisers who help to conserve the Church fabric, so that our building is available as a focal point for all the town and people of Fowey, as well as a place of worship.
Fowey Church (dedicated to St Fimbarrus and the Parish Church for Fowey) exists for the benefit of the whole of Fowey, residents and visitors alike.
You may have been into the Church building over the last year, perhaps for a wedding or a funeral and it embodies both special moments and precious memories for you.
You may have attended one of the ‘big’ services, such as Regatta or Christmas Carols and it represents a key place in the life of our community.
You may value the architecture, heritage and history that the building represents.
Or you may just have popped in to find a haven of peace and quiet during a busy day.
It has stood at the heart of our community for centuries.
It has been a place where countless generations, including our own, have found comfort, hope, encouragement and help!
The Church building of Saint Fimbarrus is your church and it’s there for you!
Now it’s a building that needs your help!