Fowey Town Newsletter Articles

March 2025

Fowey’s glorious grade 1 listed church has been the centre of our community for hundreds of years, and with our continuing care, will remain so for hundreds of years to come. Although the church building legally belongs to the Church of England, management of its day to day running and maintenance is down to the Parochial Church Council (PCC), which itself consists of Fowey people.

Perhaps not everybody is aware that the cost of running the church is dependent on donations from our community and from visitors to the church. It is not funded from some central body or by the government. The money to pay for heating, lighting, maintenance and all the other daily running costs, comes from our congregation, and from appreciative visitors.

Following a series of break ins we no longer keep any cash in the building. Cash donation boxes were removed about a year ago and replaced with a contactless donation device by the door. To operate reliably, this requires a wireless booster based on a mobile phone SIM card. The data costs are high but, with the booster, the signal in the church is now good and enables us to benefit from card based donations from our visitors. These donations have a major, positive impact on our finances and our ability to keep the church open and functional. We need to keep this device operational and accessible.

Technology brings its own problems however, and 24 hours after installing the first wi-fi booster, it was stolen.

The replacement was placed out of sight and was made more difficult to steal so it has survived but has not gone unnoticed. In the last few weeks, the wi-fi password was bypassed and large amounts of data used for purposes other than donating money to the church. The cost of this is substantial and ultimately comes from the donations of the congregation.

In addition, the device has its own charger with a mobile phone type connector. This too has not gone unnoticed and it is now frequently disconnected, presumably to charge mobile phones. In itself this is not a problem, but if it is left disconnected, the machine runs out of charge and shuts down. Last week, the charger itself was stolen.

Each time this happens, the real cost to the church - Fowey’s church, our church - is between £50 and £100. Hardware has to be replaced, donations are lost and endless hours are spent reconfiguring the system, only to have the cycle repeated. We want to keep the church open but to give us a degree of protection from the thefts that are occurring both day and night, we have now installed high resolution CCTV. This allows us to identify those who threaten us and to notify the authorities.

It may seem like a good idea to charge a phone by unplugging the payment device, it may seem like a good idea to use the church’s data, it may seem like a good idea to “borrow” the wi-fi router or the charger, but it isn’t. Each time this happens, the PCC’s ability to keep the church doors open and to support our local community is challenged and diminished.

Please, if you know anybody who believes that these actions are acceptable, do your best to explain the damage that they do and the risk that they are now taking. Fowey church is at the heart of our community – please don’t allow thoughtless actions to threaten it.

Moving Forward!

Every year we have a short meeting (around 40 minutes) where we look over the past year and share our plans for the year ahead. We’ve actually had a seven week series on Sundays looking at these plans as a church, and we are excited about our way forward, so our annual meeting is just for the headlines.

The meeting is unattractively named ‘Annual Parochial Church meeting’. It will be held in the church at 12 noon on 7th April 2025 and you are very welcome to attend.

The only people allowed to vote at such meetings are those on the electoral roll. The electoral roll is the Church of England version of the forms we all get from Cornwall Council where we have to register if we want to vote. The Church of England begin a new electoral roll every six years, the old electoral roll is discarded. 2025 is the year for a NEW electoral roll.

If you would like to be involved in our plans for the future and wish to vote when such issues arise you can complete a form (available on Sunday mornings and via email:

our website: or

Forms should be returned either by hand on Sunday mornings, as a photograph sent back via email or posted to the Parish Hall, 7 Browns Hill, Fowey PL23 1BT

Applicants need to be:

· A member of the Church of England (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) residents in Fowey Parish (this includes outlying areas),


· Regular attenders at the church if they don’t live in the parish of Fowey (there is an allowance for those who couldn’t attend in the last 6 months through illness etc.

· Applicants need to be baptised and aged 16 years or older.

Dates for your diary! (also on our website)

Sunday Morning Lent Series ‘In the footsteps of Jesus 9th March to 6th April 2025

13th April Palm Sunday special service

18th April 3pm Good Friday ‘An hour at the cross’

20th April Easter Sunday celebration

Other forthcoming events for your diary (More information to follow)

6th April 12 noon Annual Parochial Church Meeting

8th May 7pm VE ’80 years’ celebrations on the Town Quay’

9th-17th May Fowey Literary Festival – 16th May 12:30pm Nigel Marns speaking on ‘Cornish Celtic Way Pilgrim route.

24th May (Date tbc) Pilgrimage along the Saint’s Way from Padstow to Fowey

19th June Craft Fair

28th June 12:15pm Welcome to the Breton ‘Binic’ guests – a celebratory occasion

29th June 11am Open air ‘Binic Special’ service with the Mount Charles Brass Band

Rev’d Carol

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email at if you think I may be able to help in some way.

February 2025

I’m guessing we’ve all had those moments … just when we think all has gone quiet something unexpected happens. Since becoming ‘Priest for Fowey’ this has happened numerous times and the latest one is up there with the best!

Just in case you have missed the publicity, the latest Royal Mail special editions feature Dawn French as the ‘Vicar of Dibley’ and include some classic scenes including the episode when she jumps in a puddle and all we can see is her head and shoulders. Surprisingly perhaps, I have only ever seen clips of this well-loved classic. But I have seen enough to follow why we may have recognised people from our own small communities and enjoyed the parodies.

This time last year there were numerous references to Dawn’s residence in Fowey and my own story, our names were linked on the TV and in many newspapers. It still feels like a very unreal time, and I can’t imagine ever experiencing something like that again.

There are certainly times when I smile and wonder if I am in a comedy script. I’m very pleased to say our PCC (church committee) is nothing like the clips I’ve seen of the Dibley PCC on TV. Most of our team are well known around the town for their work supporting other charities and clubs, and they bring a wealth of insights, experience and a deep sense of support for our community. Though our Church Warden, Merisa, does have a striking resemblance to ‘Alice’!

I know one of the reasons Dawn took the part of Geraldine Grainger was to make a point about women’s roles in society. Women in the Church of England were first priested in March 1994, in Bristol Cathedral. The well-known comedy script writer, Richard Curtis, created the part especially for Dawn. It was aired for the first time in November that year.

I think one of the main questions this change in the Church of England raised was, “How much is the church led by changes in society and how much of this development is part of the timeless narrative in the Bible?” I think my answer may surprise some.

All the manuscripts that make up the canon of scripture known as ‘The Bible’ were written during very conservative periods in history. The roles of women, children and slaves in Roman times (even when the latest manuscripts were written) were dictated by free men who wrote all the laws etc., ensuring that their position was unassailable. But Jesus turned all these restrictions around as we see many ‘firsts’ for women living under Roman occupation and this pattern continued in later manuscripts.

A woman was the first person who spoke of Jesus being the messiah (John 4:25-26).

All four gospels record women as being the first to visit the empty tomb, and women were told to bring the news to men. Women led some of the early house churches and women like Phoebe and Pricilla were charged to teach and spread the gospel. There are many other examples where Jesus completely ignored convention and turned everything on its head with the gospel (the good news). He had his own agenda and the society around him would never take Him off course…. Wonderful!

However, Jesus and later the early church faced ferocious opposition and early Christians (including women) were set light and burned as human candles during Emperor Nero’s reign. They were cruelly martyred in coliseums and in many other indescribable ways. Therefore, some of the New Testament letters were written in a manner that would be received by the readers in a way that would not draw unnecessary attention from the non-Christian hierarchy; would also make sense to those living in a culture where everyone but ‘free men’ were marginalised.

But the reality clearly logged in the New Testament was that women leading churches, preaching the gospel and teaching were all evident and clearly recorded. Also, when a slave managed to escape, Paul wanted the escapee to come back as a brother… very subtle, but even in harsh times the good news of God’s love was clear to see … if people chose to look.

Indeed, St Paul wrote: ‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’ Galatians 3:28.

I do apologise for the history lesson, but I couldn’t think of a better way of explaining a matter that has caused so much confusion over the years!

So, when we look to those women ordained as priests in March 1994, or Geraldine Grainger’s first (and only) appointment in November 1994, were they really the first or did Jesus and St Paul get there before them? The answer of course is yes, the love and attention Jesus gave to women and all who were dispossessed was revolutionary, not because women were in any way superior to men, I believe it was rather His way of righting a situation that had prevailed for far too long.

My personal journey to ordination was long due to the prevailing views on women’s roles, it took a great deal of unlearning and relearning. Unfortunately, with the views of people like Andrew Tate and others with misogynistic tendencies, there is a real risk that even in the Western world, women could risk being seen as less than they really are… we need to treasure the improvements over the last hundred years and value each and every person as God, through Jesus, has shown us.

Romans 8:38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Rev’d Carol

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email at if you think I may be able to help in some way.

January 2025

He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’ Revelation 21:5

Happy New Year everyone! New years are great – the perfect time to reflect on the previous year, building on the good and recognising and making adjustments which help us not to relive the difficulties we may have faced. It’s a time hopefully when we can be honest with ourselves, and with those in our life who are affected by decisions and choices we make. In short, we take stock…

I was chatting with a lady the other day who had come to my welcome service all the way back to 11th March 2024. She reminded me that I had given her a hug … and truly I smiled as I remembered the absolute joy of the evening and how I couldn’t seem to stop myself hugging everyone… I’ve since restrained a little, realising that not everyone appreciates a hug!

But speaking metaphorically, 2024 has been an incredibly busy series of big hugs. The church committee (the PCC) wrote down their list of what they saw as important for the new priest to address and as I applied for the post I agreed wholeheartedly with their assessment. The PCC is a great team of public-spirited people who really want to see Fowey continue to thrive and I had no reservation in agreeing to the terms they, like me, know and love Fowey.

In my experience, there is a strong core of people who treasure the community spirit which is so evident in the town. I have met with many, many people. At the time of writing, in less than a month well over 1000 people have been seated in the church and we have not yet had the services directly around Christmas. People of all ages, from babies to those who may well have had a centenary card from the king. Many, many with big smiles and clearly valuing all we share as a community together.

Choosing my personal highlights over the year would come akin to choosing between my three children, completely impossible. One from yesterday was a parent I met at the second of the two Fowey Primary School nativity plays ‘It’s a baby!’ (and my, they were good!). He was looking around at the church, the lovely Christmas tree and all the action. He said, “I must have passed this church a thousand times, and I’ve never thought to come in.” The church may look like a piece of history … a museum piece… which it is, heading towards 700 years old. But it also houses a beating heart within the community which is as relevant now as it ever was.

After the feast of Epiphany, we begin a new sermon series as we look back at 2024 and look forward into 2025. We are looking at the way God has guided and blessed us in the past and seeking all that awaits us in 2025. We see the future as an adventure where we do not just head forward with our own ideas and plans, but rather that we actively seek what God wishes to do within our community. Our plan is to follow in His wake!

This may sound like a novel way of approaching the new year, but as Christians it is exactly the order set before us.

The book of Proverbs reminds us to,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths" Prov 3:5-6

Determining to look at our plans through God’s lens isn’t like some kind of fortune telling, the experience is very holistic. Because when we seek His heart we find our priorities change and we want different things; we value different things. Things that seemed like ‘must haves’ are seen for what they are, and different priorities come forward. The reason is because God loves people far more than ‘things’. Relationship is paramount: getting to know Him and then really understanding and caring for those around us.

So, we all have plenty to consider as we move forward together into the chapter aptly named, ‘2025’. We at Fowey Church wish you a truly blessed 2025 and trust that we as a church will be part of all God is choosing to do amongst the Fowey community through the months that lie ahead. We pray that you, your family and those who live around you will experience God’s blessing in a new and precious way.

Rev’d Carol

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email at if you think I may be able to help in some way.

December 2024

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11

One of our family traditions at Christmas is to attend the midnight service in church on Christmas Eve rolling into Christmas day. Walking home afterwards calling out Christmas greetings to neighbours and friends is followed by the moments when we simply watch a silent world with twinkling lights reflected on the river.

Welcoming Christmas day in St Fimbarrus and the beauty and silence of walking through one of the most stunning towns I know is something I don’t ever imagine taking for granted; we are incredibly fortunate.

This year is the first year I have ever been involved in the ‘mechanics’ behind the Christmas preparations. I have really enjoyed working with so many Fowey people who give their time and their skills for free … I guess, knowing that their efforts make a real difference … and they certainly do!

At Fowey church we are really throwing ourselves into celebrating the festive season with the community. By the time you read this we will have had our new ‘Christmas Market’ time with a brass band, lots of fun and festive treats. Then our candlelit Advent service… far more atmospheric … and a complete contrast to our fast moving, high tech lives with food for the soul.

But there is still plenty more to go … and you are really welcome as we bring another dimension in this often very frenetic season.

Daphne du Maurier was living at ‘Readymoney’ by Readymoney Cove in 1943 when her short story ‘Happy Christmas’ was written. It tells of a family in the midst of Christmas bustle which is interrupted by the arrival of two refugees with nowhere to go. The encounter forms the plot for the story as two very different worlds collide. The story contains a classic du Maurier twist as the encounter results in something far greater than the Lawrence family could have imagined.

The Christmas accounts we read in the gospels all have in common the way that each person … whoever they were … had an encounter with Jesus. It is quite rare for a baby to affect the lives of disconnected groups of adults in such a remarkable way. We see babies as those who need us, the idea that we should see something in a small child that would impact strangers as they continued on their way is unsettling. As Mary says, “How can this be?” and the answer speaks of the way God’s Holy Spirit will bring her to a place where the impossible becomes possible.

The same spiritual truth remains a reality today. Just as Mary, and others, knew Jesus, Immanuel, God with us so we can encounter him, see our lives changed and sense the Holy

Spirit, God in us, impacting our lives in a similar way. Encounters are the way God works, stopping us in our tracks and bringing us close to him.

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but it is also an opportunity to look into the mysteries of God. Why not just choose to find out more? Why not choose to see where the impossible can become the possible too?

We at Fowey Church would like to wish you, and those you love and care for, a lovely Christmas and a blessed 2025

Rev’d Carol

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email at if you think I may be able to help in some way.

November 2024

“You ask what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terror. Victory however long and hard the road may be. For without victory there is no survival.”

Winston Churchill’s first speech as Prime Minister, House of Commons, 13 May 1940.

One of the events shared by the Fowey community during November is Remembrance Day. It is a time when the church, the British Legion and the Fowey Community share a few moments together to remember those who paid the ultimate price, by facing death and those who may have escaped death but lived with injuries, physical and mental, that in some cases affected the rest of their lives and impacted the lives of those who loved them.

After 80 years many of the life stories are lost to us, as each generation passes less and less remains. My father-in-law, known to many in the town as Commander Edleston, told us many stories. Often, they would have a funny twist and would make us smile. But come Remembrance Day, his thoughts would turn to other stories, too painful to share.

When Winston Churchill became prime minister in 1940 he had no idea what was ahead, the headlines were grim, Great Britain had faced the coldest winter in 50 years and food was rationed. Britain was preparing for a likely invasion after Germany and the Soviet Union had signed an agreement in 1939 heralding the invasion of Poland. One can see why the invasion of Ukraine two years ago has caused so much concern amongst the traditional ‘Allies’.

But on the 8th May 2025 we will celebrate the 80th anniversary of ‘Victory in Europe’ day. One of those occasions when we see not only through the eyes of history, but in our present day lives, freedom, democracy and relative prosperity.

We are not all called to be national leaders in times of trial and loss, but each of us in our own way can make very real differences to the lives of those around us. I saw a poster suggesting ‘Random acts of kindness’ and I share the link here:

All of us have within our gift the potential to make a material difference to those around us, even people we don’t know. Kindness often costs nothing, but its worth to the receiver is invaluable.

The wars we remember on Remembrance Day were not won by one person, they were not even won solely by the troops (although their contributions are immeasurable), they were won and the peace maintained by the solid support of many in our nations. People putting aside their differences and uniting behind a cause that everyone recognised as more important.

At Fowey Church we have been exploring the dynamic relationship that is created when we don’t settle for simply living and relating to others in our own strength, but we take time to form a bond, a living relationship, with God. The way He heals relationships purely by the power of love. The way He can bring joy and reconciliation when all seems lost. Indeed, over the last few days I have seen for myself the way, when we pray for others, He is able to bring a change of heart even when hurts have been held for many years.

If we choose to look outside our own small horizons, the actions required to be part of something far bigger are easy to see. In the Book of Proverbs we see the words Jesus shared,

“One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.”

This is important in our personal relationships; as we contribute in our local community; it is essential in the life of faith. I close with a modern take on the words of St Paul to the church at Corinth,

“Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.”

Sir Winston Churchill answered the question, “What is our aim”, with the word, “Victory!”. As each of us reflects on our day to day lives, we can be part of God’s plan for us to be at peace with Him, and at peace with those around us. Surely, when we do this, we are all winners and we have ‘Victory’ in our sights.

Rev’d Carol

Please feel free to email me if you think I can help in any way.

Events in November:

Sunday 3rd November 10:30am Archdeacon Bob Jackson - Well known nationally for his books, church growth conferences etc.

Sunday 10th November 10:45am Remembrance Service with the British Legion

Sunday 24th November 10:30am Christmas Market Special – see website for details.

October 2024

The autumn is a time when there is a glut new movie releases.

This year’s offerings include lots of sequels of tried and tested favourites including Gladiator II, Lord of the Rings, Sonic the Hedgehog has also been busy as has Paddington. I saw an interview with James McAvoy about his new film ‘Speak no evil’. The title is actually a quote from the New Testament. Apparently, he rarely watches any of his own film but, on this occasion, he went to the cinema and he was enjoying the way the group dynamics of the audience played out. Every time the tension built up, the reaction in the room was palpable but for him the most successful part of the film was when he (in role) had done something particularly unpleasant (I gather it is a horror film) and the audience started throwing things at the screen. Needless to say, despite the Biblical reference in the title, I will not be putting this horror film on my bucket list. There is enough horror already on our screens, and so manufacturing more seems completely unnecessary.

So, what kind of films do you watch? I like films that go to the root of who the main characters are, what makes them do what they do, and how their choices play out. I like films that celebrate the better qualities of the human race and leave us with a sense of gratitude for a life that made a positive impact … an event that made us realise that in a world where many choose a path which brings horror and suffering there are some who seek out ways of bringing joy, laughter and love.

One of my favourite quotes from the film world comes from an old (1946) film ‘It’s a wonderful life’ with the lovely James Stewart. “Strange isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole …”

One of the qualities I value in church life is the way so many people give of what they are to impact on the life of others. This varies from those who visit the housebound, those on the monthly coffee rota, welcoming people as they arrive… a million different roles. But, like a jigsaw, it forms the most beautiful picture when all the small pieces are in place. We believe that each person has unique value, a value placed on them at the beginning of their days, a value that is precious to God.

But this value is far deeper than just giving us a warm feeling … knowing we are loved … it is about allowing ourselves to be the person God made us to be and for us to do all God designed us to do. It is about not settling for second best; it is about living God’s best life. To be part of the picture that sees the goodness and love and actually pursues it. But the only way of seeing the world through God’s perspective is to get to know him for ourselves. To choose to come to Him, to listen to Him and to be willing to leave our own perceptions behind and choose to look through His lens of love.

The way we are designed is not to find this way on our own remote spiritual island… it is a life of getting to love God, yes, but also growing and learning by loving others too. Each one of us is part of our own life story, it may not make it to the big screen, but the big hole we leave when we don’t receive and give of ourselves reverberates in so many ways… and unfortunately the evidence is around for all to see.

…He (God) marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him… he is not far from any one of us. Acts 17:26b-27

Rev’d Carol

Please feel free to email me if you think I can help in any way.

September 2024

“Take the Adventure, heed the call, now ‘ere the irrevocable moment passes!”

I have just returned home after the Regatta Service. It was a very happy time. We had all the timeless favourites of music that has passed to the test of time with flying colours, ably played by Marlene Bowden and David Horsburgh. Chaplain leader Raphael Duckett drew on his extensive experience at sea on HMS Culdrose and a host of other vessels to bring a fascinating talk.

It was great to see so many people and hear songs belted out by the congregation, they were on top form and the time spent together was wonderful. The ‘competition’ between our musicians to speed up the playing of the ‘Sailors’ Hornpipe’ at the end was superb, and very entertaining! Thank you to everyone who came to support the event.

Hearing those familiar songs and seeing the church bedecked with nautical regalia brought back memories of earlier Regattas. For those of us who have been in Fowey for years, thinking back to former Regatta services with older generations of the family on one side, and our own young family on the other came to mind. Remembering is precious, valuing people and events that form part of who we are now … seeing in our mind’s eye the faces of loved ones who made such a difference to our lives.

But the service also reflected a view of the future, our mayor Cllr Lynn Simms read an account written by Kenneth Grahame in his book, “Wind in the Willows” where ‘The Adventurer’ described Fowey and the exhilaration of setting sail. The quote that really captured my attention followed the stunning description,

“Take the Adventure, heed the call, now ‘ere the irrevocable moment passes!”

I switched in a moment from remembering to anticipating. I, like everyone reading this, am not as young as I was, but the thrill of adventure certainly hasn’t left me. Bilbo Baggins in ‘Return of the King’ who, by the way, was considerably older than me said,

“I think I'm... quite ready for another adventure!”

So how do we feel about stepping into the unknown? Doing something we’ve never done before? Looking at our lives and thinking, “When was the last time I did something that took me out of my comfort zone?”

The life of faith is very much an adventure, if we are sincere about getting out of the driving seat and following the way mapped out by a loving God. Suddenly horizons widen and the possibilities become endless. The reason for this is that we only see our lives from one main perspective, that is our interpretation of the world around us. Sometimes our vision is sharp and we see things as they are, other times our vision is impaired by life experiences, but the truth remains that we can only see as far as our experience has taken us.

The adventure of faith has a completely new perspective… future and past are as one to God, he sees every part of our life in the time it takes us to see a glimpse. He sees our motives, our weaknesses and our strengths and will take all we are and have and bring it together in a way that is hard for us to even imagine.

I’ve covered a lot of ground in the past few sentences and I think the following quote from 1 Corinthians 2:9 in the New Testament,

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him' – these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God"

Rev’d Carol

Please feel free to email me if you think I can help in any way.

August 2024

“Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on the great waters; they saw the deeds of the Lord, His wondrous works in the deep.” Psalm 29:3

 In Fowey we are now in the absolute peak of the ‘sea’ season, from paddling and kayaking to ‘messing about in boats’ and huge cruise ships … in Fowey there is room for everyone, and it is wonderful.

 At a recent St Fimbarrus Church wedding the bride and groom, Hannah and Will Maher, left the church with a flurry of confetti of course, but the arch consisting of two oars held by members of the RNLI donning yellow wellies was, to my knowledge, a first. As you’ve no doubt guessed the groom is a member of the RNLI crew, a team of brave and selfless men and women giving freely of their time and expertise to ensure the safety of those at sea. We are truly grateful to those volunteers, knowing they will come out and rescue us if we have an engine failure or meet other difficulties gives us the freedom to enjoy our wonderful surroundings.

In August we have two special occasions, the RNLI celebrations and the Regatta service. Our speaker Revd Raphael Duckett is chaplain at RNAS Culdrose (HMS Seahawk). The base is home for the Merlin Helicopter Force (the Royal Navy’s anti-submarine warfare fleet and a major training base). Raphael has around 13 years of experience with the Royal Navy and has many stories to tell.

 All of this shows us that as we gaze out to sea, there is so much more happening out there than we could possibly imagine. We see a horizon with vessels so small it is often difficult to see much more than an outline, then as they come closer we see so much more. But even then, we see so very little unless we actually go aboard, feel the wobble of the boat and get to meet the crew.

 The psalm quote above speaks to me of all I have just described. Many would say they believe there is a God, and they would be the first to admit that their understanding was of a being that was far removed, on the horizon of their lives. Some would also say there have been moments when they have sent up a flare ‘prayer’, “Help me, I’m sinking!”

 Others would say “To be a Christian I don’t need to go to church.” But that really misses the whole point of what God has planned for us. Our faith and understanding increases when we come together with others, and the way we interact with others is part of the gift we are given. There may be a sense of ‘wobble’ as we take our first steps as we seek to partner not only with God, but also with others who are travelling in the same direction. But making a decision to ‘come aboard’ and to be part of the great adventure, which is part of the plan God has for each of us, is to move from simply observing to actually living and being part of something far greater than we could possibly imagine.

 Sometimes people ask me why I have chosen to take on the role in Fowey when I could simply sit back and enjoy myself. I think the verse below sums it up very nicely:

 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

 I became a Christian at the age of 18, and I have seen a great deal, but nothing compares with the life of faith. For me, knowing God has transformed my life. I see new dimensions, the world in technicolour coupled with a deep sense of completeness that I would never choose to give up. Perhaps the nearest example here in Fowey is the moment when we leave the open seas behind us, the Fowey river is ahead, and we know the beautiful port before us is our home!

 Revd Carol

 Friday August 2nd from 5pm     RNLI celebrations on the Town Quay

Sunday August 18th 10:00am     Regatta Service Fowey Church

Please see: or for the latest details

July 2024

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:21-23

Many of us find it difficult to ask for help, we are really happy helping others … but we struggle when it comes to receiving help. And when I do find myself in a position where I need to ask someone, I usually have a twinkle in my eye and say, “A friend in need is a jolly nuisance!” before I make my request. Helping others makes us feel good – but asking for help …

As many of you know, I’ve been incapacitated following an accident. As a busy person who loves her job this level of incapacity has come as a bit of a surprise, and I have certainly seen another side of life. The kindness and dedication of health professionals working long hours with limited resources. The very different reactions of patients: some really grateful and cooperative, others refusing to comply with the most reasonable of requests.

I’ve seen the kindness of complete strangers, and the thoughtfulness of friends. It all adds up to the fact that we really need each other and being part of this beautiful web of kindness and cooperation as they used to say in the lager advertisement, ‘reaches the parts others can’t reach’.

Also, as a Christian, I have sensed and gained enormous comfort and strength from my relationship with God. From the very point of the accident to the point when I write, I have had a solid, deep, unfathomable sense of His presence and that ‘everything is all right’. A peace which passes all understanding.

Some onlookers would say the fact that bad things happen to Christians is evidence that God does not exist. This couldn’t be further from the truth, the Bible and especially the New Testament describes in graphic detail all that can happen even to those with remarkable faith. It is quite simply this, when we come to the end of our resources. God provides, He holds us when we don’t have the strength to carry ourselves, He is there when no one else can reach us, and He gives us the love and grace we need when we feel we have nothing left to give.

As I said at the beginning, receiving help is probably the hardest thing many of us would choose to do … it speaks of weakness and dependence. But the reality is that when we share our lives instead of soldiering on alone, we begin to realise we are not an all “self-sufficient island,” we become part of the beautiful web for which we were designed.

Revd Carol

June 2024

“People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way… adrift at sea… keeping all your options open.” James 1:6b (Message version) 

The sea features very highly in my life at the moment, as it does for many others in Fowey. The river has changed from a winter where her flow was only interrupted by a series of yellow buoys, to the hive of activity we enjoy over the months ahead. As a church we are committed to our role in the Fowey community, to be there to journey with others when we can. And so you will see us out and about doing all kinds of things…. And some of these involve the sea. 

I was recently invited to bless two stunning brand new Fowey River boats built by Marcus Lewis and Kim Furniss. The craftmanship on these wooden boats is amazing, in a time when most boats are mass produced. It was a lovely sunny evening at Caffa Mill and many came out to cheer James and Kathy and Nick and Helen on in their new venture. 

Next, we have the D Day 80th Anniversary celebrations from 6th to 9th June. Fowey had a substantial role in the invasion with submarines and ships leaving from Fowey harbour. We intend to highlight stories and mark the contributions of many, including a service on Sunday 9th June at 11am ‘They also served’, where friendly sociable dogs are invited to come along to remember all the dogs that were parachuted onto the beaches, searching for land mines. 

The 8th June sees the tall ship ‘Morgenster’ moored at the town quay awaiting a short service of blessing when the pilgrims travelling from Padstow (The Saints Way) to Santiago de Compostela (The Comino) will be joined by many others at 4:30pm, for what promises to be a very special time. 

 Any seafarer will tell you that knowing where you are and where you are going is an important part of navigating the sea … obviously, when we’ve seen one wave, we’ve seen them all! And in a seascape where there are little clues regarding our location there comes a point where we can’t rely on totally on what we see around us, we have to look much deeper. 

Magnetic compasses have been used for around a thousand years (beginning in China). We can’t see the magnetic field, but when we use a compass and we know where the magnetic North is located, then we can find our way home. 

The reading we have from James’ letter to fellow Christians was as unequivocable as the compass I have described. Faith, like the magnetic North is not something seen by the naked eye, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real, powerful or very important. In fact life can, like the sea, be difficult to navigate. Some times (please excuse my mixed metaphors) we can’t see the wood for the trees. And James doesn’t mince his words, “Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.” 

Faith is not some kind of lucky charm where we hold on to a belief in God alongside a number of other ideals. We are required, just like the seafarers of old, to “drop our nets” … turn from our own way and follow Him … not a range of hopeful options… just Him. 

It is not easy to navigate the way of faith alone, the disciples had Jesus to guide them and as we will see on Pentecost Sunday, Jesus then gave the task to the church. Jesus is known as Immanuel… ‘God WITH us’ and at Pentecost the Holy Spirit invites us to know… ‘God IN us’.  

If you would like to explore what it is to really know God with you and in you, we are here to share what we have found … That it is possible to know God’s love, presence and guidance in our lives and to be increasingly aware that we can trust Him to be all that we need. 

I’m always willing to find time to chat.  

Revd Carol

NB. We have some really interesting community events coming up in June:

June 6th (evening on the Town Quay) 80th Anniversary of D Day on the Town Quay including a brief service of thanksgiving for the military who gave their life or their health in service of their country.

June 8th (late afternoon) The blessing of tall ship ‘Morgenster’ on the Town Quay.

June 9th 11am Outside the church – ‘The hidden casualties of war’. We remember those who lost their lives or their health during the D Day conflict. This includes civilians. As a marker, people can bring dogs or pets along to remember the dogs who were parachuted onto the beaches searching for mines.

Please see: or for the latest details

April 2024

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43 18-19a

We certainly have a ‘new thing’ happening in Fowey Church. I’m writing days after my licensing by Bishop Hugh and Archdeacon Kelly.

It was a wonderful event, many people came along, there was all the colour and sense of occasion that the Church of England is known for … along with our local Fowey additions: the bell ringers, the champagne corks and Alan, the Town Crier, dressed in his red costume brought a real sense of celebration too. We even had numerous dogs who decided to join in the fun! Lots of new things happened that evening. But the main ‘thing’ people have commented on was a sense of joy and love.

Chris and I have a deep love for the Fowey community that stretches back many years, and it truly is an honour and a privilege to serve in this wonderful town. Going forward we see many ways in which we can support and enrich all that happens in the town. Our connection with the Fowey Festival, Regatta, Remembrance Day, the Christmas Market and Town Carols is just the beginning. The rites of passage, christenings, baptisms, weddings (we have a number this year including one that will involve the RNLI!) and funerals will all continue. As a former headteacher I am looking forward to popping into the schools and not having any marking to do!

But there will be ‘new things’ too. I’ve been co-opted onto the Fowey Town Council and we are planning the 80th anniversary of the D Day celebrations, we have a tall ship coming to Fowey, and as chaplain of the Royal Fowey Yacht Club I’m sure even more opportunities to work together across the Fowey.

We have services that reflect the infinite variety of how we meet with God.

Sunday@ St Fim

• Book of Common Prayer 9am – a traditional service with beautiful words dating back to the 1600s.

• Fowey Family 10:30am – a service where all can belong, including activities for children

• Heart of worship 7pm (in the Parish Hall) from 7th April – contemporary, informal and a place to spend time eating and chatting together.

But playing our part in building a sense of community in Fowey is only part of why the church is here. God doesn’t only seek to see communities living together in harmony, he seeks to bring harmony into our relationships, so that each of us can grow to be people that are prepared to forgive and build ever stronger connections within marriages, families and different groups.

The ‘new thing’ God essentially wants to do is to start at our core being. The change begins within each one of us, deep in our heart. It begins when we look at ourself and feel “There must be something better than this…,” and the answer God gives is “Yes, there is. You will find it as you come close to me.”

The church is open every day, I am only an email away and our services are open to all… and you are most welcome, Carol

Revd Carol Edleston -

Fowey Church Office -

Fowey Church website -

Note from Merisa - As promised over the Christmas period from your generous donations in our collection plates we have given half of the money, £500, to help people suffering the impact of war in the Middle East and the Ukraine. This came about because a local boy was overheard saying during a service "I bet Christmas is horrible in Bethlehem. I want to help them". So a big thank you to everyone – all of us giving a little can make a big difference.

March 2024

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path – Psalm119:105

We need to watch where we are walking. This morning as I made my way to Newquay airport for the 7am Gatwick flight I was one of many people using the torch on my phone in the dark rainy morning. As we queued and went through security we all knew we were all headed in the same direction. There is only one flight at that time in the morning. It got me thinking about where we might all go from Gatwick. Many into London in time for a morning meeting; some folk going home; some getting connecting flights like me.

As we hear stories at funerals of the full, colourful, rewarding lives people have lived we sometimes stop and take a minute to reflect on our own journey through life. Not just questions like “am I happy, am I a good partner, mother, sister, friend?” but deeper questions about fulfilment, making a difference to those around us and to the wider world. We have some incredible, generous, giving, kind people in our community – people who go the extra mile for others, without seeking or expecting thanks or recognition. These folk make Fowey a better place.

The Bible is full of un-sung heroes, who stepped in to save the day and help others. Take Ebed-Melech in Jeremiah 38 who spoke to King Zedekiah and saved Jeremiah’s life when he had been thrown into a cistern where he would have died, or Tabitha in Acts 9 who was “always doing good and helping the poor”. The way they lived their lives made a real difference. The Bible gives us instruction about who God is, his great love for us, who are made in his image, and its words can truly light our path as we journey through life.

Fowey Church continues to remain open during the day for locals and visitors to visit, look around and perhaps have a few moments of silent reflection. If you would like a phone call or visit from someone from the church please let us know. We have a small pastoral team who could be in touch with you. You can see what we are up to on our website –, where you can sign up to receive our weekly emails or on our Facebook page.

As I write we are looking forward to welcoming Bishop Hugh on Sunday, and planning for the Licensing of Rev Carol Edleston on Monday 11th March at 7pm. All are welcome to come and celebrate our long-awaited new local priest. There will be refreshments afterwards, and maybe some vicars in all their finery!

As promised over the Christmas period from your generous donations in our collection plates we have given half of the money, £500, to help people suffering the impact of war in the Middle East and the Ukraine. This came about because a local boy was overheard saying during a service "I bet Christmas is horrible in Bethlehem. I want to help them". So a big thank you to everyone – all of us giving a little can make a big difference.

Merisa, on behalf of Fowey Parish Church.

February 2024

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures for ever...Who gives food to every creature. His love endures for ever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures for ever. Psalm 136:1,25,26

As we welcome in 2024 many of us resolve to be better. Better friends, better family members, better neighbours. There is some deep seated desire in us to be seen as good, caring, loving – even popular and respected. Yet we know that this is rarely the reality of our lives. We aspire, but we fall short. We fail, make mistakes and silly choices. But the reassuring news is that God is always good. He is always loving. He is always generous. And on a human level when we hang out with good, positive, energy and life-giving people their attitude and approach rubs off on us. Personally I need some of that good positive, loving vibe influencing my daily life, and for that reason want to draw closer to God – who is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipresent (everywhere all at once).

Wherever you are on your journey of faith be assured that whatever 2024 will bring for you, God’s love endures for ever. He is for you, not against you. He cares for you and promises to be with you, in the good times and when life is more difficult.

It was wonderful to welcome so many locals and visitors to our Christmas services. Around 1,000 people came along, for our Town Carol Service, Christingle, Midnight Mass and our Christmas Day service. Some of the money from the collections will be given to help people in Gaza, Bethlehem, the Middle East and the Ukraine (we will let you know in due course). So thank you for your generosity.

We continue to try and keep the church open for people to use during daylight hours, thanks to our willing volunteers. Many folk come in to look around and to pray – both locals and visitors. We have been privileged to pray for the 1,600 prayer requests left on our prayer tree during the last year. At the heart of the community church is a place of quiet sanctuary as well as a busy hub for community activities. Do contact us if your group would like to use the church for a meeting or concert and we can put you in the diary. We also have a small pastoral team who keep in touch with people who value the odd phone call or visit, particularly those who need to chat, feel isolated or are ill or struggling. Do let us know if you would like to be in contact with someone.

On Monday March 11th at 7pm Rev Carol Edleston will be licensed as our new Priest for Fowey by Bishop Hugh and Archdeacon Kelly. All are welcome to attend what promises to be a joyful occasion. There will be refreshments after the service.

To keep up-to-date do “like” and “follow” our Facebook page, go to our website ( and sign up to receive our weekly emails.

As ever, may you know God’s blessing and be a blessing to others.

Merisa, on behalf of Fowey Parish Church

January 2024

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland”.  Isaiah 43: 18-19

 Each week we send out an email to all those who sign up and want to receive our news.  For a long time this verse has been at the beginning of the email and at this time it is particularly relevant.  The truth is that God is always doing something new.  He is a creative God, with plenty more to reveal to us than we are able to take on board.  The past is the past and we are not to dwell on it – rather to look forward and step into new places, where God will bring water and new life.

 Fowey Parish Church, part of the Church of England, where we are accountable to our Rural Dean Paul, our Archdeacon Kelly, our Bishop Hugh and ultimately to Justin Welby the Archbishop of Canterbury, is not the same church as it was before the “split”, when Anchor church was set up as an alternative church in town four or so years ago.  And it is true to say that Fowey Parish Church is not the same as it was even one year ago.

 In this season of Advent, as we wait for the coming of the Christ child at Christmas, we also wait with expectation for the licensing of our new Priest for Fowey, Rev Carol Edleston in March 2024.  Carol is God’s unique priest for this unique place.  She will bring her own ideas, ways of being church in our community, and knowing us as she does she will be loving and accepting of all.  Although we know and respect other local churches and their leaders, our church here in the heart of Fowey will continue to have its own distinctive culture and character.  This is important to say before Carol becomes our priest because our vision and journey will be different.  Carol will not fit anyone’s preconceived mould – not even as the new vicar of Dibley! 

 We, as a church and as a Parochial Church Council, are excited to be moving forward so positively.  Carol says, “As many know, I could not be happier to know I will be leading Fowey Church during this brand new chapter.  Chris and I would like to thank the many people who have offered congratulations and support over the past days; we will never forget it!  We have also received numerous good wishes from churches both in and around Fowey.  We wish them, and all our friends and neighbours in the Fowey area, a 2024 that will be a great adventure of faith, hope and courage for us all.  Happy new year!”

December has been a very busy month for us church volunteers, with lots of community groups making use of the church.  Santa successfully turned on the Christmas tree lights for Fowey Christmas Market – thanks to all the local hardworking elves in the background.  Our Primary School held their Nativity Plays in church, and as I write this week we are looking forward to our Town Carol service and Midnight Mass.

 All will be welcome to attend Carol’s licensing as our new Priest for Fowey in March.  Do watch our website ( for the date and time, and if you’d like to receive our regular emails you can sign up on the website.  Do also “like” and “follow” our Facebook page.

 May God bless you, your friends and family and all those you love this Christmas.  May you know God’s peace and joy.  And you know where we are!

 Merisa, on behalf of Fowey Parish Church

December 2023

“O Lord you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways” Psalm 139

This Psalm is a great comfort. This is just the beginning few verses, so do look it up and read the whole thing. Sometimes we don’t let people get too close to us because we are afraid they might discover something about us that they don’t like. But God already knows everything about us and still accepts and loves us. God is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-holy and all-present. God knows us completely and He is with us through every trial and in every situation.

There is never a dull moment in the life of Fowey Parish Church. Different community groups have filled up our calendar and we are astonished at how much a motley crew of volunteers can achieve each week. Thanks to everyone for making sure the church is left clean. Our “holy dusters” (ladies who clean the church) are very grateful. December is of course a very busy time of the year, with plenty of music for everyone. Do join us outside church at 7pm on 8th December for some tunes from DJ Zorro as the Christmas Market weekend begins. We have our traditional Town Carol service on 17 December, then Christingle and Midnight Mass on 24th December. Do check our website and Facebook page to see what is happening.

We are hoping to have some news about the recruitment of a new part-time priest in the coming weeks and months since the process is now underway with the diocese. James Kirby and I are on the recruitment panel, along with Bishop Hugh, Archdeacon Kelly and our Rural Dean. I, and many others, will be looking forward to a well-earned holiday in due course!

Have a great December as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who sees us as we are and loves us completely. Let’s also be accepting of each other, generous, forgiving and be prepared to go the extra mile for those around us.

Merisa, on behalf of Fowey Parish Church

November 2023

“Great is the Lord...he is exalted over all the nations” Psalm 99 verse 2

During these troubled times of war, violence and uncertainty we need to be reminded that our God is bigger than everything we see going on around us. And seeing such devastation and loss of life in the Middle East when we feel powerless, we need to remember that God is all powerful and he can bring change. So we should pray and call on almighty God to intervene.

We are very grateful for so many visiting priests who have joined in our Sunday services recently. I write this the day after Rev Shona Hoad from Tywardreath and Golant visited and we had nearly 50 people at the service. It is a challenge to open the church, keep it clean, as well as hold services each week and to also facilitate weddings, funerals and baptisms. But our small, hard-working team are doing all we can to serve the community. Thank you for your patience when there is an occasional delay in getting back to you. One good way of keeping up with us is by looking at our website at or by following our Facebook page. This will be especially important in the run up to Christmas.

Our advert for a new part-time priest is now out, with a closing date of 1st November, so if you know someone who may be interested in the role, please encourage them to apply! It is online at “pathways Church of England” and in the Church Times. We are praying for the right person to join us in Fowey – a unique role for a unique individual.

As I look out of the window I see some things which are regular and predictable – such as the ferry, our resident heron, the bobbing of boats, people eating ice creams in Caffa Mill car park. But the strength of the wind, the height of the tide, the number of visitors can vary from day to day, hour to hour. So it is as we look at the state of our world. Nobody could have predicted the Covid pandemic, and now we can see so many parts of the world affected by conflicts, wars and famine, with whole countries and people cut off from the basic necessities of life and their loved ones.

Let’s do all we can to be peace makers, generously helping out people around us. We are to care for and love others because God loves us. We are all special and valuable and sometimes we need to hear that. If anyone would like a listening ear we have a small pastoral team here in Fowey Parish Church who would be happy to speak to you on the phone or visit you, in confidence. We also commit to praying for all the prayer requests left on our prayer tree in church. Let’s take care of each other folks.

Merisa, on behalf of Fowey PCC

October 2023

“Be patient with me and I will pay you back....” Matthew 18: 29

This is the story in Matthew’s gospel about the servant who was forgiven, but went on to treat a fellow servant unfairly. He knew of forgiveness and was probably grateful for it (since he owed a huge debt), but he made a judgement call because he knew he was OK. He and his family and all he owned were spared from being sold off to pay his debt. What did he do with this forgiveness, unexpected freedom? He got de-mob happy and having seen he was free, with power, he used his position to be nasty and make a fellow servant suffer. What a temptation it is for any of us who can exert control over someone else, in whatever way. Online is a good one. We all have a voice and can “control” our Facebook page, filtering out comments which don’t suit us and being vocal when we want to. We can also quickly react to a harsh word or something we didn’t want to hear by pointing out that we are in fact right and the other person needs to back down.

Superiority, privilege, using any position we might have (even within a family) can be dangerous and unhelpful. Not just for us, but for those we are around. So we should pause, and think a little about our reactions, our behaviour and the impact we have on others. Sometimes we just need to decide to be kind, and patient – even when we have been wronged by someone else. A little bit of time. A cooling off period. Time to pause and reflect.

When we truly fall on our knees and beg for forgiveness as this first servant did, then God hears us. It is a heart thing. God knows our hearts. Be encouraged that whatever we have done, and why ever we’ve done it, we can always get the slate wiped clean in God’s kingdom.

Talking of cleaning up I was in a wood yesterday and the farmers decided to not just harvest the crop (cabbages, cauliflowers?) but to leave some of the produce at the edge of the fields, for the wildlife but also for locals who wanted to use it. What a lovely biblical thing to do (gleaning), and how generous.

Let’s be generous, and keep on being good neighbours. I write this as we welcomed visitors in church today from the USA – walking in Cornwall. Who knows who and what is around the corner? Attitude and love speak volumes. We all have influence of some form or other. Let’s use it wisely.

Merisa, on behalf of Fowey PCC

PS Latest news is that Archdeacon Kelly is coming to do Midnight Mass in church at 23.30 on 24th December. Put it in your diary!

September 2023

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ”, Ephesians 1:3.

God is bigger than we are, and that’s good news. He knows us better than we know ourselves and He has plans for us – as individuals and as a wider community. Recently we have been encouraged to see Fowey Parish Church used by so many different people. Bishop Philip’s visit was a good chance to people to meet our Church of England bishop face-to-face and for him to see that, even without a vicar, our service to the town continues apace, with weddings and funerals as well as Sunday services.

This week in mid August we held our annual “opening of Regatta” service which saw some valuable contributions from locals Dick Doidge-Harrison, Steve Turpin and Paul Trewick, as well as a welcome and introduction to Regatta from Ken Jones. Interestingly they all mentioned the important role the church and its central position in town plays in the community. As I write, mid Regatta, we have both a Christening and a Funeral at the end of the week. Thank you for your consideration in leaving space for visiting cars at the front of church for these important occasions.

Many local people have asked about when they can receive Holy Communion. When we have visiting clergy on a Sunday we ask them to do Communion at both the formal 9am and the more informal 10.30 services. Do check our church website each week for details (

Do also make a note that our Harvest Festival will be held on 24th September at 10.30, and all donated harvest gifts will be given to the Fowey Food Larder. If you would prefer to give a financial donation instead we will ensure that is also possible.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and see you soon.

Merisa, on behalf of Fowey PCC

August 2023

“We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name”, Psalm 33:20-21

Change is constant, in Fowey, with us as individuals, and in the Church. Yet God doesn’t change His mind about the depth of His love for us, so we can indeed trust Him, today and everyday. He hears our prayers, knows our needs and wants us to encounter His living presence. Over 1,000 prayers have been left on our Prayer Tree (located just inside the church) since December, so just 7 months ago. This alone speaks of how much we want God’s help in our daily lives. Take a look at some of them, they are very moving.

Life continues apace in Fowey Church, with funerals and weddings, as well as our regular Sunday services. We’ve had visiting Pilgrims, preachers, people from the cruise ships, and lots of visitors during the week, seeking a quiet place, or a dry place to eat their sandwiches.

As I write this, we are anticipating a busy few weeks. The Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro, is coming to conduct our service on 30th July, then there is a wedding on 5th August (please leave space for visiting cars at the front of church when we have weddings and funerals) and we have our Regatta Service at 10am on 13th August. We are encouraged that the church is used by so many different groups in our local community.

Our new Parochial Church Council (PCC) met again on Tuesday 18th July. Following recent widespread consultation with the congregation and the wider Fowey community, the PCC has voted unanimously to rescind the previous PCC’s resolution requiring male leadership. The PCC approved a revised parish profile for the Diocese to use in recruiting the new vicar. The PCC wants the best candidate to meet the needs of Fowey Parish Church, regardless of gender.

Thank you to everyone who has let us know how they feel about the new part time vicar. It has been a helpful process for us, and we are keen now to recruit as soon as possible.

You know where we are! Please visit and use your church – all are welcome.

Merisa, on behalf of Fowey PCC

July 2023

It is a new season for St Fimbarrus church, with a new Parochial Church Council (PCC) having been recently elected. A number of former PCC members, including both Church Wardens, chose not to continue in their roles. There was discussion at the APCM from a number of concerned parishioners that the old PCC’s resolution in January 2022 to appoint a male-only vicar was misguided and unrepresentative of the parish and the town of Fowey. There was disappointment that this had happened without consultation and many expressed a strong desire for change.

Most attendees wanted Fowey Church to be accessible to all, as Anglican churches around the world seek to be – biblically based, prayer focused and open to welcome everyone with the love of God and the good news that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour. We seek to include all people, wherever they are in their journey of faith.

We will address again the resolution which was passed by the previous PCC that as a church our preference was for an overall male priest. This will be done with reference to our local community, leadership of the Church of England and Truro Diocese. We as a PCC recognize that both men and women are called by God to serve as clergy and in other roles within the church, which is why we will address the issue fully.

Please watch out over the next month or so for opportunities to let us know your thoughts about how we move forward to recruit a new Church of England part time parish priest after nearly 4 years of being led by lay volunteers and visiting clergy (both male and female). We are conscious that Fowey Parish Church has a lot to offer our wider community, of all ages. Weddings and funerals continue to take place, and we are so grateful for all the new faces and volunteers who make this possible.

We seek to be open and honest as we begin the task as a new PCC not only to “keep the show on the road” but to grow in number, and in our Christian faith. Please bear with us as we find our feet, and if you feel you can help out in any way during this interim period do drop me an email:

Merisa, on behalf of Fowey PCC